Friday, 9 December 2011

My Awesome Photo - Capturing a Moment

I had just recieved my DSLR Camera for Christmas and managed to take this shot (pure fluke) at the begining of January.  I adore this photo, because even though it isnt perfect, it really captures her essence and every time i see it, it makes me melt.  It is extra special because it is one of only a few photos of her in her first year where she is not wearing her epilepsy helmet.  I dont have that many pictures of Pudding Pop any camera/video equipment in her first year was used purely to capture footage of her fits and now she is that bit older she has decided that she would much prefer to be behind the camera than in front of it.

To check out other awesome photos head over too Sticky Fingers The Gallery


  1. Your very welcome, thank you for returning the visit!

  2. Sorry I'm so late getting here. I love his photo x
